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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by toddo

  1. you're telling me. To be frank, I've been so discouraged by the lack of help over there over the past 2 years that I haven't even shared it there.
  2. The first costume I began work on before I joined the Legion was the Emperor's Shadow Guard. I started with no real skills, a Don Post helmet that hardly pulled over my face, and some craft foam. After building all of these costumes my skills have improved significantly. Finally I have completed my 28th costume. I hope you guys like it.
  3. You can easily post the photos in this thread by uploading them to Photobucket and pasting the IMG files here.
  4. Great job! Now get that TX approved.
  5. I use superglue to repair skin wounds all of the time. It's an old pro-wrestling trick.
  6. I like the color, and you are making rapid progress on the boots. As for the belt color, that is an excellent question for Chef.
  7. I love it. Keep the photos coming this way.
  8. Didn't she also need to bring the shoulder bells up a bit too Jim?
  9. The left belt boxes are hanging lower than the right. The right side looks better to me.
  10. starting to really come together.
  11. If you need any help with the CRL Ty, let me know.
  12. That's a really reasonable ballpark Ty. Thanks for giving me a rough idea of what I'm going to sending your way soon.
  13. I can't wait. Any ballpark of pricing?
  14. Great photos. I've seen the snowies from your garrison at that location before, but you look amazing there.
  15. you seek the iComm/Aker setup. Contact Jim at FamilyJim72@yahoo.com.
  16. You certainly have accomplished a lot!
  17. I think this looks spot-on. Keep it going while that red armor takes a little soak.
  18. Goo Gone works fine. I'm really sorry about your kit.
  19. I've done the garter thing, but I have found that I prefer to simply strap the thighs to the cod.
  20. I think it would be ok to trim the rectangle tabs off the straps as well. A number of TK variants require that anyway.
  21. I haven't seen this costume completed yet either. I'm sure you've seen the threads on the Supercommando Captain, but it's a different costume altogether as you know. As for your CRL question, I think it is one best asked on The Bounty Hunter's Guild. I'll bet Webchief and the gang have some information to help you.
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