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Imperial Super Commando - Gar Saxon (Rebels - Animated) CRL Discussion

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found this on amazon for the grunt

take a look at the grey. woudl that be viable for the grey upper of the grunt commandoes, and then would just replace the neck with the wine red version

the advantage to using these sweaters for the costume is way more availability to otthers wanting to make the costume down the road. 



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I think there's always going to be a little extra latitude with colours when building from animated sources. I think whether it's white/light grey or one of many shades of maroon, I'd be surprised if too many GMLs caused trouble.

I think all three colours you have there could work. On the Amazon one the ribbing looks slightly less obvious, but it might just be the photo they used.

For the grunt I'd say yes, it's likely you'd want the top to match the trousers. When I get more time, I'm going to sit down and prepare some text for that too using what we've agreed on for Gar so far.

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In my opinion all this colors looks good but british "wooly pully" looks little bit to dark for me. 

It's good that the sweaters can be returned so we need to examine the colors in "real life". That's the only one option i think. 

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here is the shirt

I am really liking it. the colour is deeper than the pictures made it look, so i think its more appropriate. Has a more imperial vibe to it.  The lines are nice too as you can see in the second photo.

let me know thoughts or if you want closer photos.

if we are ok with it meeting crl, then i will keep it for the costume


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It may be able to go a little tighter, but honestly, with the animation style a lot of things look pretty tight and could be unrealistically tight.

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1 hour ago, IcyTrooper said:

It may be able to go a little tighter, but honestly, with the animation style a lot of things look pretty tight and could be unrealistically tight.

thats what i was thinking.

i might take it in in a few places, to fit better, but im not going tight i dont think


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Text altered to remove the "seamless" mention.  How is the rest looking?


Chest, Shoulder and Abdominal Armour (Second Draft)

  • Armour shall be painted white, with a red inverted triangle design painted over the upper chest and shoulder to match the visual references.  This red paint scheme continues over the shoulders and is mirrored on the back plate.  Oblong shoulder pads shall be painted white.
  • Paint shall be weathered to match the visual references.
  • Segmented construction, wrapping completely around the wearer.
  • White oblong shoulder pads sit above both shoulders, made of the same material as the chest armour.  Edges should be rounded.
  • The curved shoulder armour can be cast as a part of the upper chest, or attached underneath.  It should be of the same material as the chest armour in either case, and painted the same red used on the chest armour.
  • The upper and lower chest pieces may be cast together, or separately so that the lower chest sits under the upper chest.
  • Semi-circular notch in the centre front of the upper chest.
  • White circular detail with black outline on the front left of chest.
  • Two semi-circular notches at the bottom front of the lower chest.
  • Abdominal plate is overlapped by the lower chest, and features two rectangular details that align with the notches at the bottom of the lower chest.  All detailing matches the visual references.
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10 minutes ago, tipperaryred said:

Text altered to remove the "seamless" mention.  How is the rest looking?


Chest, Shoulder and Abdominal Armour (Second Draft)

  • Armour shall be painted white, with a red inverted triangle design painted over the upper chest and shoulder to match the visual references.  This red paint scheme continues over the shoulders and is mirrored on the back plate.  Oblong shoulder pads shall be painted white.
  • Paint shall be weathered to match the visual references.
  • Segmented construction, wrapping completely around the wearer.
  • White oblong shoulder pads sit above both shoulders, made of the same material as the chest armour.  Edges should be rounded.
  • The curved shoulder armour can be cast as a part of the upper chest, or attached underneath.  It should be of the same material as the chest armour in either case, and painted the same red used on the chest armour.
  • The upper and lower chest pieces may be cast together, or separately so that the lower chest sits under the upper chest.
  • Semi-circular notch in the centre front of the upper chest.
  • White circular detail with black outline on the front left of chest.
  • Two semi-circular notches at the bottom front of the lower chest.
  • Abdominal plate is overlapped by the lower chest, and features two rectangular details that align with the notches at the bottom of the lower chest.  All detailing matches the visual references.

looks great. i am starting to work on the 3d design of it this week

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there, I want to join the 501st as an Imperial Super Commando Grunt, Is y'all's plan to use the same model for Gar Saxon for the grunt? Also, do you share the rendered models? I'm very new to your site, I was told by a member the other day at Dragon Con to check this forum to see if this CRL was being developed.

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On 8/16/2023 at 1:29 PM, tipperaryred said:

Text altered to remove the "seamless" mention.  How is the rest looking?



just back from holidays. no furthere plans til december for vacation, so will be working on modeling again.  I probably wonrt have the chest and ab armour prototype until mid october as im doing a 30 day modeling challenge for my patreon, releasing one model per day to patrons. But that gives the seamstress time to work on the flight suit for me

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20 hours ago, Taelweaver said:

Hi there, I want to join the 501st as an Imperial Super Commando Grunt, Is y'all's plan to use the same model for Gar Saxon for the grunt? Also, do you share the rendered models? I'm very new to your site, I was told by a member the other day at Dragon Con to check this forum to see if this CRL was being developed.

hi there welcome to the page.

Thats awesome you are wanting the imperial commando as well.  we ascertained earlier on that it is the same armour for both gar saxon and the grunts. Only difference appears to be paint jobs.

I will put up the files for others to get at once my saxon and the grunt my local member is building are done as well.


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On 9/4/2023 at 10:11 PM, Taelweaver said:

Hi there, I want to join the 501st as an Imperial Super Commando Grunt, Is y'all's plan to use the same model for Gar Saxon for the grunt? Also, do you share the rendered models? I'm very new to your site, I was told by a member the other day at Dragon Con to check this forum to see if this CRL was being developed.

Welcome! Yes indeed, once we have Gar a little further along I'll adapt it to the grunt CRL too. As Kevin said, there's really only minor paint differences for the most part.


Enjoy building your Jawa, and we look forward to seeing you work on the super commando afterwards!

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33 minutes ago, Taelweaver said:

Out of ignorance, may I ask how much you charge for files?

a helmet is 20. then i will figure out the armour costs. usually when i sell armour i give a price break if buying as one whole set.

my etsy is called ceredircosplay

i also have a patreon www.patreon.com/ceredircosplay 

i give 35% off to patrons from my etsy on stuff that wasnt patreon releases, but this will be a patreon release once im close to done it all

admins, i can remove the content of this message if it goes against anything, just let me know

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  • 1 month later...

hello all.

Been a crazy lead up to our local comicon last weekend.

That is doen and im back to working on the super commando.

The seamstress was at my comicon, so she has my measurements for sewing the pants since we established the shirt i posted from amazon worked just fine.

Here are some updates on the chest system.

please let me know any and all changes to make it perfectly accurate




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On 11/3/2023 at 6:10 PM, beren88 said:

hello all.

Been a crazy lead up to our local comicon last weekend.

That is doen and im back to working on the super commando.

The seamstress was at my comicon, so she has my measurements for sewing the pants since we established the shirt i posted from amazon worked just fine.

Here are some updates on the chest system.

please let me know any and all changes to make it perfectly accurate




Great start. I'll look in more detail tomorrow, but I can see a correction already with the designs on the lower plate.


The designs are only slightly raised/embossed, and are below the middle plate above them. This middle plate has two semi circular cut outs that line up with the design below (similar to the cut out in the middle of the upper chest piece).

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