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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by neoakaj

  1. Sounds like I didn't get to snag that kit he had done. But he will get it started tomorrow. Hopefully have it soon. I do know my helmet is finished from him
  2. I sent the payment for the rest today. Hopefully he still has that extra kit, if not, sounds like he will have a quick turn around on the rest Thanks Jim and the rest of the Spec Ops!
  3. A fellow Legion member is my POC with the seller, so I am not sure if it's a kit or not. I am going to assume that it is. I am going to contact SC and see how long it would delay my helmet if I added the armor onto the order. But I am still up in the air about both.
  4. I found a set of black KS armor with helmet for a decent price. Is this worth looking into? I haven't found much info on KS's armor other than the helmet, even on BSN. I really only saw some comparison shots of KS vs SC, and some discussion on the sizes. Let me know, Thanks Also, not sure if I said yet, but I have a SC helmet coming my way now
  5. Anythoughts on a ATA TX kit? I have seen a couple for sale on whitearmor. Not sure if it helps, but I am kinda short, around 5'6.
  6. I am taking in the legs when I finish the patch. Armor has not been ordered, but I have the money for it. Going to place the order on the 1st
  7. I am getting the itch to work on this even more. I will have the suede patch, elastic, and flap done by Sunday. Any other thoughts or ideas on what I should do next?
  8. Thanks. Yes it's a 65 Mustang. Only things not original is the wheels, rocker panel guards, and the front disk breaks.
  9. Here is what I have so far. Any advice? Or is everything looking good?
  10. Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I have some time off of work tomorrow, so I might get a picture of what all I have done so far. See how it all looks on me
  11. I am sure I can do it, just I am worried my hands arnt up to the job. I am going to see a fellow member of my squad's boots sometime this week. Might ease my mind. As for the eleastic, ebay or amazon was what I was thinking about. Thanks again
  12. I am sure ill have some questions and be of need of opinions when I get the hard armor. As for the elastic for the knees, shoulders, etc. Is it hard to source out the specific widths needed for specialist? I know finding the 1 inch Velcro for the boots was a pain. I am planning to build this to the specialist status as I am going, as it seems best to do so. The only thing I will not have at that level when I submit for my 501st membership will be the tread on the boots.
  13. Here are some pictures of my gloves And here are WIP pics of my boots. Ill get pics of the completed ones later today
  14. Hello all, I wasnt sure where to introduce myself so I will here as well as post progress on my TX I am Jason, and I am sharing this forum profile with my fiance Val. Both of us have been getting involved with our local squad in the Mountain Garrison. As of now, we have just been working as handlers for big events. We both are working on completing our costumes for full membership though. I am well into my TX biker scout, and she is thinking about doing Juno Eclipse. Some background in our costuming. Both of us model for local photographers in cosplay. We have done some steampunk, Alice in Wonderland, and Mad Max styles. We also attend out local conventions in costume. Some major ones that we have built are a lady Loki out of scale-maille, Zelda and Link, Quorra and Rinzler that light up with EL-tape, and Iron Man. I hope to learn a lot and thank you for being here! As for the progress on my TX, I have most of the soft armor complete. I have my undersuit/flightsuit. Its a redkap that has had the pockets removed, and a flap added to the neck to seal it. I have a balaclava that has no markings. I have obtained a set of gloves, I believe SA. And I have finished my boots by use of the Biker Scout boot tutorial. My next step is going to be locating the hard armor parts and start fitting them to me. Finishing up by ordering a helmet and building the cummerbund and flak jacket. I am sure I am missing some stuff, but I keep a print out of the CRL in my workshop and check it for updates weekly. Thank you!
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