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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by neoakaj

  1. I am looking for advice on joining the shoulders together, where the chest and back meet. Any thoughts? I was thinking using some of the webbing under the two ends and then rapping the webbing around them to cover the seam.
  2. Yes what they said was the differences. I opted for a extra helmet, biceps, and belt (Thanks Jim) for my Weir. I can see that the only part that you would really need 2 of would be the main belt. You could set up your drop boxes to unclip to transfer between both, and use a bracket for the TD for the same reason. You mentioned that you can switch visors and im sure you could do something like that for the t-bits. But I would talk to MC about a extra main belt if you are going his way.
  3. Armor party today! That is 90% of the reason
  4. I am at a stand still right now. Just waiting on my armor to come in. I was hoping that it would ship by the weekend. Maybe tomorrow
  5. I figured out my problem! The fact I have the next two weeks off I got a message saying it should ship by the end of this week With that ill turn in my application once its all finished. I found out the number I was hoping for was taken sometime this month, but thats ok, I have a few more still open
  6. Thank you! Went on another troop this past weekend. It was pretty cool because I was able to get my fiancé into some armor. She had a TB and looked great! She didn't last the whole troop as she was wearing a MLC helmet, and until not she has never had any costumes with helmets, so her neck wasn't up to the task. On that note she is very happy with it, and said she would want to do a Shadow Trooper or even a Nova Medic!!!!!!! But I had to promise to get her Lekku and light saber for her rebel costume first..... Now back to the Shadow Scout. I am starting to get the "is my armor ever going to come" shakes....I just hope I get a shipment notification soon. Anyways, I think I will work on some pouches this week
  7. A fellow member of my Garrison let me use her armor! Was great to get out in some before mine shows up. Still hoping for a shippment notification from SC any day now
  8. It looks way better in the helmet. Outside it almost looks pink but aginst the black helmet it gets pretty red.
  9. Thanks! I am still waiting on my shipment notification from SC. Once that armor is in and ready I will submit for 501st membership with my shadow scout. Then I will put the finial touches on this guy. And with that, all that I need aside from the SC armor is pouches and that is ready. I am going to make the pouches over the next week if all goes well
  10. Weir is good. I am waiting for a few more parts to come in. I will have my shadow scout done first however. I ended up making my own visor. The paint it drying but its done. Ill post a pic later
  11. Horrible picture but here it is
  12. Thanks Jim I also cut the boot soles!
  13. 19991 or something with 7s in them like 19177
  14. Thats what I thought. Just wanted to make sure 100%
  15. Thanks for sharing the find on the boots. I have the opposite problem as Black Wolf, I have such small feet I have to either use ladies' or children's boots.
  16. Ordered some polish and sourcing out a holdout blaster. Once the kit is here and put together, I am submitting for approval. By the end of September(I hope) there will be a new legion member and the SpecOps are to blame On that note, I should be able to be approved without the holdout blaster correct? I want to order a DuKu one, but want to wait to make sure I can get my TX number on it. I have picked out a few numbers that I would shoot for, but not sure if they will be around when I submit.
  17. This is way cool! I love black and gold, but seeing back and silver.... it seems so imperial!
  18. This will come in handy for my next set of armor, after I finish all the scouts.
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