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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by neoakaj

  1. One more quick question, on the pouches, can there be visable stich lines for the velcro on the flaps?
  2. Well well! I have finished my TK and I am now ready to start my Shadow Scout upgrade project. I will be upgrading to the specialist status level. This upgrade will also serve as a base for my other scout projects. Now I have a CRL question Belt must be made from one piece at the front, and not separated with fabric in between the front part where the drop box straps attach, apart from at the back where the TD box sits. What the heck is this talking about?????
  3. Go for it! But yes listen to Jim about getting the scout done first.
  4. Yay!!! I might have some extra parts. Ill send a PM
  5. From looking at it, it seems to be a shiny vinyl belt? If so I can help with that
  6. Define shiny belt? Ill look it up and see what it is, see if I can help with anything
  7. Check out the one in my build thread, http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/2367-new-shadow-scout-incoming/page__st__80 If you like it let me know and ill get your some instructions
  8. That was my first offical! But like 8th total
  9. Its neat because at night you can only see my visor haha. It was great meeting you in person Torri
  10. One of the troopers that helped me through the process always troops in spec ops, either a magma or shadow trooper. I think I have him convinced to upgrade his shadow trooper to the new silver nova!
  11. I had the same thoughts about the armor. I have decided that yes he is a general, that I will keep everything clean, polished, and bright.
  12. Good point Nick. BSN has some great threads on there
  13. If you need any help, I just finished mine in the last couple weeks. PM or post up with any questions and I would be happy to help
  14. For mine, I used clear lexan and cut it to shape. I then added standard mirror tint to the back side and painted the from with clear red RC car paint Its a little hard to see through, but its another option
  15. Thank you to everyone again. I hope that with my experinces in building this armor, and making the items I made, I can give advice to hopfully help out! On that note, I have re-inspired two fellow garrison members here in Colorado to dust off and troop in Shadow Scouts! Infact I seemed to have started something that I will get into more when it happens
  16. Hey look at that....... TX-41977 reporting!
  17. Yea the pouches are my first set. Second set is much better Thank you and ill keep you informed on what happens
  18. Alright I will go put them there, and finish the shoulder bridges and I will get a full suited pic
  19. Progress I will paint the other rivets today and I should have the belt finished tonight. If all goes well I will be submitting tomorrow morning! Going to our squad leaders house tonight to have him assist on the last couple items, mainly the forearms and they are way to wide for my tiny arms
  20. I'm not worried about any marks. I'll give it a shot tomorrow. And the TD is all glued up. All that is left is to shrink the forearms a bit, connect the tank to the back, and finish the belt... Gotta find some cotton webbing for the drop boxes. Pics tomorrow!
  21. Thanks Next couple questions. First the easy one Is this placed correct? And next I glued my tank topper on and didnt realize until I was done that I got a small smug of e6000 on the side of the tank. Is there any way to get that off?
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