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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by neoakaj

  1. I know I am somewhat late to this but any help I can give I will be here now. My focus is this as just a soft costume for now, so where ever it goes(hope it stays here).
  2. I will dye Granny Smith once I have the fabric in hand
  3. I didnt get a chance to trim any of this armor this past weekend, but I will be working on it during the week. I am also building a Tanktrooper and that took my time yesterday
  4. I can run Spanish Olive, Granny Smith as I will have the dyes on hand for them when the suit gets here. I am not sure if I have the Teal for Triple Axle. Ill have to ask my wife if she does when she gets home tonight
  5. I have my suit set to be delivered tomorrow, If you want, we can coordinate testing other colors with the swatches I will receive.
  6. Did you pay the batch production fee for just one can?
  7. Armor parts! Waiting on the soft goods from IB and a helmet from WTF. I also have the belt, belt boxes, boots, and gloves on hand. will trim the armor this weekend. But I won’t paint or anything of that sorts until the crl gets worked on
  8. Hi, I figured I would start a thread/placeholder for my build of the IST. I have parts ordered and on hand and will be building along as the CRL is developed.
  9. I am bringing this back at last! I figured that with my new Biker Scout build, I could finish want little bit needs finished on this at the same time. SO hopefully Ill have this done soon
  10. No it would not be 501st approved
  11. Yay progress!!! I took some parts out of the box haha! I am working on my garage this weekend to get my workbench back so I can make some forward progress on a couple projects, including this
  12. Well I got the flamethrower today! Ill get a picture of everything hopefully tonight. Only major part I dont have now is the tanks
  13. The swamptrooper just needs a few straps and it will be done. Now that I have my home set up with a shop I can get more done and turn things out like I used to.
  14. Well I pulled the trigger... Armor - KB On hand Helmet - Skygunbro On hand Boots - Gio On hand Gloves - Endor Finders On hand Gaskets - neoakaj On hand Flamethrower - KM On hand Tanks - MLC or KB This will be a slower project of mine as I have some to finish up still. The swamp trooper will be first as its been sitting for a LONG time just waiting for pictures haha.
  15. Reading through the CRL, I think this is wrong Shins For 501st approval: There are seams on the inside and outside of the shins. The wearer's left outside shin includes two vertical thin boxes that are seamless. There is a small recessed rectangle at the bottom outside front of the shins . I think there was some picture evidence showing that the shins are different than the TK ones and that the detail on the outside front of shins is not there.
  16. I am on the list for the first run!
  17. I was able to get out of my current funk and get some work done this weekend! I hope I am back on the path to having fun and making a difference in this hobby again! Any input is welcome
  18. I have not, but I am interested in some of what they have. I would like to see what others say.
  19. So, Saturday. My friend John and I helped out a new member trim his Anovos TK. We got the whole suit trimmed in about 2 hours or so. Good thing is that it kicked me back into gear! This will be finished before summer time!!! Along with a couple other projects. MagmaTrooper SwampTrooper RMQ and the various First Order suits I need to finish
  20. neoakaj

    Triple Zero

    Yay! 3PO stuff!!! Or I mean 000 Stuff!!!
  21. The entertainment earth 6 inch figure shows the name Crimson Trooper I rather like that myself, But I think I will continue with Lumiya's royal trooper
  22. Depends on what type of costume I am making, but for the most part, I use these http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000LB4P72?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00
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