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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by toddo

  1. Don, when you say that you are trying to get it approved for the 501st, does that mean that you have submitted approval photos to your local GML?
  2. I am excited to see what you do with this Dorothy.
  3. Welcome Franco. My advice starting out is to read others' build threads. You'll get an idea of what is involved in building a kit. Anovos is going to be offering a stormtrooper, but to my knowledge this is the white variety.
  4. Primer it with Rustoleum would be fine, then hit it with some gloss black Rusotleum. That should be good.
  5. Those are great photos Perry. Thanks for sharing. One suggestion for sharing photos would be to upload them to a Photobucket account or something similar. You can then copy and paste the IMG code for each photo in your thread, and they will show up sized optimally.
  6. I think Ty's right. I looked at my store last night, but we don't have the 2004 version on hand.
  7. Get drafting and send it to me and to Chef. We can move from there.
  8. I noticed that while the stormtroopers are seamless in the following spots, the Flametrooper has rivets of some kind and visible seams.
  9. Sorry about that. I've re-opened the discussion with our current staff. Stand-by.
  10. There was a mostly healthy discussion about this a few years ago: http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/517-sideshow-blackhole/page__hl__weathered__st__20 I'm willing to open this back up for diuscussion.
  11. toddo


    Nice. I like the red rods.
  12. My advice is to carefully look at others' build threads. The more research you do, the more you answer questions you didn't realize you had. Ask specifics here and we will guide you.
  13. The scout is easier on the body for sure, but you know they all are hard. Anything we can do to motivate you my INC brother?
  14. I can't wait to see this in person Ty.
  15. I suggest getting a Photobucket account. Then after you upload a photo there, copy the IMG tag from a photo and paste it in your thread. Simple.
  16. I'm glad you are still working on this. I hope someday we see you go for a Spec Ops costume again too
  17. Hit up the T-21 guy ABailey: abailey8266@yahoo.com or Gordon Tarpley, the C-3PO fellow, has a tutorial for making your own:
  18. It's not an armor build without a smack forehead moment, huh? Anyway, the comparison photos are great. That new helmet is going to make your entire kit look all that much more amazing.
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