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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by toddo

  1. I"m curious how this whole thing is powered. Are you running separate power for each lit area, or is all hooked to some master blaster?
  2. Very cool Ty. I've wondered why plaster isn't used more often. On a side note, I was just talking about that trooper with a buddy of mine yesterday. Weird.
  3. Ooh, I like the sound of that.
  4. Much brighter indeed. It's great to see you back Ty. I don't know about the rest of this motley crew, but I missed seeing you around.
  5. Good idea looking at the smaller details right away IMHO. I look forward to seeing the patch.
  6. Looking good Geoff. Building toward Specialist?
  7. That armor is FX or FX recast. You can tell by the shape of the back, the oversized helmet with the separate vocoder piece, etc. As a result it is most likely ABS. If it isn't painted, then I'd say it is certainly ABS. Good call on replacing the helmet As for the pouch, I would simply drill out the rivet from behind. Then I would cut off the tool pouch from the rest of the pack. It will make a really nice-looking shoulder pouch after that. The binocs would be cool. Just realize that they are not officially allowed as an accessory for this costume. That simply means that you want to keep it out of your approval photos and Specialist application. Otherwise it will be neat to carry those around.
  8. Awesome work Chef. Looks terrific with the three.
  9. Most of my rigs don't have that problem, but I have one that does. Your armor is so shiny that it also quite slick I imagine. Adding some velcro will keep everything in place.
  10. When it comes to scouts, Chef is the man. Follow his advice you shall.
  11. If this is something that you truly want to do, we can help. Why don't you take it one part at a time. If you aren't sure about a step, ask us and we will chime in to help you. We all have been where you are now, but we made it. You can to brother.
  12. I have painted TK Boots gray for my Skytrooper. Don't use normal spray paint as it will crack with your movement and flake off. I recommend using Meltoinan Nu-Life leather dye. It comes in a spray can. Then all you have to do is scrub the boots with rubbing alcohol to remove any sheen and spray. It holds-up too.
  13. I thought I'd share my most recent costume, my Deathtrooper.
  14. If i'm not mistaken, Griffinx painted his shadow black. I'm sure he might be able to shed some light on this. My shadow helmet was originally white. I layered on the primer before layering on the paint, and it has stood up to countless troops.
  15. You're probably right Chef, but I think it never hurts to be able to supply more than an action figure as the source.
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