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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Fivezero

  1. I've built 7 TK helmets now, I still hate doing the ears... Anyway helmet looks great! Fivezero
  2. Hmm, might try cardboard mailing tubes? Might be able to hit them with some fiberglass resin to get a hard surface (will take some sanding to get nice and smooth). *shrugs* Fivezero
  3. Great build! Love the way you have the pictures organized! Fivezero
  4. Man this thing is dusty! Well I've been wanting to repaint my bucket for awhile now. But kinda held off on it since it's usually my primary trooping costume. Well with the EVO back up, time to give my Elite Nova a little love. First thing is to make a new belt, mine had cracked in a few places and finally snapped at the last troop which had led to all of this. So here is the new face cut out. I'll use the boxes from the old belt to cast some new ones out of urethane resin and then secure them to the new belt face. Helmet all torn apart. Basically this helmet was the first thing I ever painted and well I fix some of the mistakes I made and make it look a little better. So let the sanding begin! Fivezero
  5. Looking good Dorothy! Keep on trucking!! Fivezero
  6. Hey Steve! Sorry about the lack of updates (been stupid, crazy busy). The casting did not come out good at all...... It is a very horrendously ugly abomination. Basically I didn't have enough silicone around the back and it tore as I demolded the sculpt... I decided to go ahead and try to cast a helmet but it was bad. I had a backup plan anyway. I have some thicker plastic that arrived yesterday (I also made a few adjustments to get a crisper helmet), so hopefully tomorrow I can get some helmets made up for you Steve . Fivezero
  7. Looking forward to the pics Dorothy!! Can't wait to see you bring this guy to life!!!
  8. Well guys got the mold done (including the mother mold) the last couple days. Everything has come full circle too Started with something with no features at all... Added the details and features... And now we're back to a featureless helmet (well the mold)... Anyway I'm going to start casting them up today, will post pictures of the casts soon! I've got enough resin to maybe do three, definitely two though! And Steve, no problem man!! This was a wonderful challenge that I kinda never really considered doing ever... But I learned some great tricks to get this sculpt done, so I thank you for poking me about it!! Fivezero
  9. You guys looks awesome, Novas for the win!!
  10. Well here we go! Oh yeah also found these things at the hardware store the other day, looks like they'll work for the mic tip screens on this trooper! Just finished up the last coat of the good silicone (the thin, detail capturing stuff), in the morning I'll get the thicker silicone to strengthen the mold up. And then I'll leave it alone for a couple days and then get the mother mold made and get to work casting some helmets! I can't believe this thing is finally done! Avoided even thinking about this helmet for a couple years and here it is being molded! What a fun project, thanks DE! Ty
  11. Hey Kevin! Yep, the measurements are correct on your photo! Whether you change it or not, it still looks great!! Fivezero
  12. Hey thanks guys! Unfortunately the beautiful looking helmet had to be uglified today. Sanded it down to see all the little bumps and indents so I could fill them. All that paint worked great though!! Protected the plaster so I didn't accidentally gouge it with my finger nail or something. Soon, very soon, the molding will begin! Fivezero
  13. Hey Kevin, absolutely not a probelm! Top to bottom I have about 3.5 inches or 8.5ish centimeters on the receiver and about 6.5 inches or 16.5ish centimeters on the trigger (forgot that there is a part on the receiver for it to connect to). Let me know if you need anything else! Like I said it still looks great either way! My dad and I are big into military vehicles and we have some resin display guns that look like junk, but still fool the public. Your gun is about 1000 times better than our resin guns... Good job man! Oh and here's a shot of my 42s too... Fivezero
  14. Woo! Glad it got to you in one piece Dorothy! Can't wait to see what you do with it!! Fivezero
  15. Hey Kevin, looks great! I troop with this blaster as well, love it! I also have a real MG-42, which I don't troop with (well it's a parts kit I need to throw together)... If you want any detail pics, let me know! You might want to trim down the trigger group a bit too. Here's some pictures from my real trigger group: But if you aren't worried about having it super accurate to the real gun (which my blaster isn't terribly accurate to the real gun either), I'd leave it, it still looks fantastic either way! Again if you want any detailed pictures or measurements for the parts, let me know! Good job! Fivezero
  16. Looking forward to your build, love this trooper!
  17. Yay, getting super close now! Been doing some sanding here and there, then decided to hit it with some primer (about 3 coats) then a bunch of gloss black (about 6 coats). The plaster was getting too fiddly for fine-tuning (did more damage than good when working on it), so all the paint should be a nice barrier while I fix the last couple spots. Overall, love how this thing is looking! Hoping to have it ready to make a mold by the end of the week. Fivezero
  18. Got my 3D printed ear piece today and it is beautiful! Ready for surgery! Both sides got cut out to receive the ear piece. I need to make a quick mold tomorrow and make another ear piece casting. Then I'll glue those to the helmet, a little bit of filler and some sanding and primer and it'll be ready to go! Oh and in case you guys can't tell, I am "slightly" freaking out at the size of the helmet. I feel much better seeing with the Batman cowl but still........ It'll be alright though! Fivezero
  19. Yeah, I would still throw some lights in the bucket. It's really easy! If you use an LED strip run it along the top of the visor (in front of the visor too) to get the effect. If you use EL wire, wrap it around the perimeter. I have no problems seeing at all in my TFU Shadow. Also the EVO visor is one single piece, be careful when looking at visors. But that metallicy blue looks good, been looking in to getting a new visor for my helmet to help the effect. Anyway looking forward to this build Dorothy! Let me know when you need some help with the lights/EVO stuff/whatever! Fivezero
  20. Great build, looking forward to more updates!!
  21. Looking good! Love the Nova action you have going!!
  22. Almost there with this helmet! The little chin/vocoder ribs are glued on, still a little bit of filler to help blend them in. Here's my amazing little holder to keep the helmet up while I work on the chin. Still waiting for that 3D printed ear piece, got lost a blackhole in New York the last few days. Hopefully it should be here tomorrow. Then I can get matched up to the helmet and molded. Aiming to have this guy ready for molding this weekend (maybe even silicone applied too). Oh and to make myself feel better, got my Batman cowl out to compare the sizes. I don't think there will be a problem with this helmet... Fivezero
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