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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Fivezero

  1. Torri! Yep, I'm actually working on the Jumptrooper as my next project (need to revive my build thread!). I have redone several of the parts (as in almost all of them), remodeled the jetpack and plan on working on a new 3D model for the blaster soonish. Once I had everything finished and the Jumptrooper was approved, I was going to post all my files. BUT I can post what I have right now, if you want to get started working on a Jumptrooper too. I've got most of the parts 3D printed right now. The helmet is about half 3D printed, and then I need to start printing the jetpack. I've got plans to order a bunch of filament for my 3D printer soon and get busy printing. Fivezero
  2. And finally here's the templates I used to make the pouches and the boot flaps. Pouch Template Boot Flap (mirror for right side)
  3. And here's a list of general supplies you'll need to get to finish off your build. EVO Armor Supply List: -1†PVC Pipe – 5 x 4.25†long sections (for shin and forearm) -Edge trim – Enough to wrap around chest plate, back plate, cod plate (but not ab plate) and two knee plates https://greatlakesskipper.com/triton-1718326-white-3-16-inch-boat-edge-trim-u-molding-ft -Hose – Same as Tie Fighter Pilot, check JRS forums for vendors, need 4 lengths (one for pack, one goes to ab plate, two go to the helmet) -Vinyl to make pouches and boot flaps FA-3 Flechette List: -1/8†x 5/8†x 14.75†steel bar (top bar leading to shroud) -1/2†dowel (internal support) -1/4†dowel (internal support) -1-1/2†PVC Pipe – 3 x 21.5†sections (barrels) -3/16†x 1.75†Pin – 2 needed -1/8†x 13.75†Pin – 2 needed
  4. Hey everyone! So I decided recently that I'm not going to be making any kits for the EVO Trooper, including more helmets (the mold is messed up anyway). However I have 3D modeled all the EVO specific parts so they can be 3D printed. I have them up on Thingivere (links below). So here is everything that is ready to be 3D printed. Helmet Shoulder Bell Hand Plates Finger/Thumb Plates Chest Box Chest Box Tube Knee Plates Circular Greeblies for the Belt/Ab/Tubes FA-3 Flechette Launcher Links: Helmet - https://www.thingive...m/thing:2587882 Parts - https://www.thingive...m/thing:2587868 Shoulder - https://www.thingive...m/thing:2587879 FA-3 Flechette - https://www.thingive...m/thing:2587857 There is still quite a few things that will need to be bought. I'm putting the list together tomorrow of all the pipe, dowel and other accessories you'll need to build and EVO Trooper (or Shadow EVO ). Also I haven't printed anything out yet so no guarantees if it'll work (it should be fine, but might need some tweaking). Oh and here are some quick photos. Fivezero
  5. Hey Rob! As Steve mentioned, don't look at the action figures. Just look at the video game versions, since that's where they originate. So with that said, there's two versions of the TFU Shadow Stormtrooper; the Wii version and the PC/Xbox 360/PS3 version. My build is based on the PC/etc. version. The Wii version has a slightly different paint scheme that uses a little darker gray and some details on the armor are painted a little differently. Also the Wii version doesn't have the lights everywhere. The PC/etc. version has a simpler paint scheme with a much lighter gray used that almost blends with the silver in some lighting. Also this has the blue lights on the parts. As I stated above, this is what my TFU Shadow is based on and is the only version that is currently approved for the 501st. So ignore the figures, stick to one of the video game options. The Wii build would be an easier build due to not having lights running everywhere, but would need LMO approval and probably a new CRL to go along with it. Fivezero PS - It looks like the reference pics post is broken due to Photobucket... I'll try to re-upload the reference pics I have.
  6. Nah, the EL tape/sheet/wire didn't work out too well for the Shadow Stormtrooper. It just didn't quite mimic the lighting the way I wanted it too. However, it would absolutely work fantastic for the Shadow EVO, for example on the chest box. It works great for broad, flat areas that need to be lit up, as opposed to complex curves.
  7. SoonTM 3D printer has been down the last week or so, just got it running again the other day. I had planned on finishing the printing for this thing real quick before printing out the big stuff for my Jumptrooper build.
  8. Almost there! I had to add some strips of plastic to extend the helmet a bit and better fit the back to the front. Then I threw some filler over it. Also I knocked the helmet off the bench... So I had to do some gluing to fix a few cracks (i.e. it completely fell apart and I had to glue it back together). I sanded the filler down and all the excess glue and a little sanding to dial the fitment in. Tomorrow I've got to sand down a couple spots, then I'm going to brush some fiberglass resin on the inside to help reinforce it. Then detailing (hopefully primer too)!!
  9. 3D printing! Tomorrow I'll get the other forearm printed!
  10. Thanks Torri! I've got a few reference pics to post up too. I spent some time analyzing this trooper in-game the other day! Here's what I got done last night too. Got the tube that hangs underneath the chest plate printed out. Also messed around with the forearms. At first I was going to 3D Print then I decided to make them out of foam. I made a couple different templates, one based on the original model and another based on my 3D model and made up some arms based on each. THEN I realized I forgot about the straps that around the wrist end of the forearm, so I'm back to 3D printing them. And finally, I remodeled the little shin ammo belt to 3D print. I'll also be sure to post up all of these models and templates for anyone that wants to tackle this trooper!
  11. Worked on the Shadowtrooper helmet a bit today, nothing exciting to show off there. Then I went out and got some supplies for this build, namely some foam mats to build the armor for this trooper. And here's what I got done tonight! I was able to get the little armor plate that goes between the chest and ab plate. I made a little tool from some scrap copper tubing to cut the holes out. Next step, fiberglass resin! Meanwhile I ran the 3D printer all today to get the biceps printed out! Tomorrow I'll start getting the chest tube made up. So that's the progress for today! I'm hoping to get started on the chest plate tomorrow night.
  12. I agree that is a good choice, I have a few sets of armor that are painted and it is a pain to keep up. I definitely advise anyone to keep painted armor as a last resort option.
  13. So to get back in the swing of things, I present to you guys, the Jumptrooper from the Force Unleashed. Yep, my next major build. I decided to shelve my Shocktrooper build for the moment for something "slightly" less intense to build. Scubacat was poking me about doing the helmet at Celebration, and well since I already have the EVO Trooper, I thought I'd go ahead and do this guy too! So unfortunately I had some stuff come up so I wasn't able to work on the JKII Shadowtrooper helmet like I wanted. But I was able to get a few things done to get this project started. So here we go! To start off I pulled the 3D model from the game. I then removed all the parts that won't have to be scratch built. I will be able to use regular Stormtrooper style parts for the shins, thighs (with some easy modifications), butt plate, kidney plate, ab plate, belt, back plate and the handplates. Everything else needs to be custom made. The kneeplates, cod plate, chest plate, shoulders and the chest plate (with the additional piece of armor below it) will be made from 1/2" EVA foam and then coated/reinforced with fiberglass resin. The jetpack, biceps, helmet and possibly the forearms will be 3D printed. The original jetpack model is a little low definition, so I started remodeling it to get a better 3D print! While I was at it, I started remodeling a number of the other parts. Namely the little bits and pieces on the chest plate for the hose connections. Also remade the tube that sits at the bottom of the chest. Finally I remodeled the bicep belt! And it is all ready to be 3D printed! Tomorrow I start 3D printing! Fivezero
  14. And yesterday was a big day of sanding, filler, sanding, etc. I still have a couple of spots to take care of, but it looks like I'll be doing the details on the helmet this weekend and hopefully get it in some primer!
  15. Did some more sanding today! Got the back sanded down, also did some sanding on the inside to make it a little more comfortable to wear, still have a couple spots to take care of, but overall I'm much happier with this helmet. And I even put some filler on it! Getting there Steve!
  16. Alright now that Celebration has come and gone, it's time to get this helmet back out! Did a bunch of sanding yesterday to smooth the helmet out... It's still rough, but a little body filler will take care of that! And after I got the helmet "smoothed" to where I wanted it, I proceeded to cut out the frown. I'm going to the back sanded down today as well as getting it fitted to front of the helmet. Then I'll cut out some teeth to glue in as well as add some other details, then it's filler time!!
  17. Thanks! While the paint is curing I got an old helmet ready to go. Anyway, I'm going to try and get the Basic Nova stripes on the helmet today or tomorrow!
  18. Well it's been awhile since I've finished a new trooper. So to get back into things, why not get the Nova collection complete? The only one I'm missing is the Basic Novatrooper, easy enough project. I just need a new helmet! And then I primed it! And then I painted it! Was a fun little afternoon project. Now I wait for the paint to cure so I can paint the gold stripes. In the meantime, I'll start 3D printing some mic tips. Aiming to get suited up next week and take some pictures to send off to my GML! Fivezero
  19. Awesome to hear! I've got a little work to do on the EVO stuff, I'll get them out this weekend and get some work done on them!
  20. Welcome aboard! You picked a great trooper, have fun with the build and keep us posted!
  21. Hey Issac, Shooting you a quick PM! Fivezero
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