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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Fivezero

  1. Alright guys! Got some minor updates for this thing (took a break to get some other stuff done). Nothing too exciting, been waiting for stuff to dry and cure. Everything is 3D printed and ready to be sculpted to a nice and smooth finish. I started getting the thighs cast into plaster, got the backs done. I unfortunately didn't get a chance to get the fronts done, but that'll happen this weekend. I actually have to remake one of my "molds," had a catastrophic failure (didn't wait quite long enough for the resin to cure). The chest and back are ready to be printed out too and will be done on Friday (resined too!). Maybe cast some plaster on Saturday or Sunday. I may end up 3D printing the biceps too since I'm ahead of where I thought I'd be. Either way things are progressing as I had hoped! Fivezero
  2. There's definitely some similarities in that helmet for sure!
  3. No problem, definitely been thinking about tank mounting. However I do believe that the tanks don't really mount to the back plate (at least not in a load bearing sense). The tanks probably attach to stabilize themselves but they really attach further down on a special plate below the kidney plate. See the pictures below. It looks like there are some small brackets at the bottom of the tanks that hook on and connect to a rod on that plate. It also looks like the plate itself attaches to the armor with some small bolts, I would also imagine there's a pretty hefty harness that attaches around the waist just above the hips to support the weight (hidden by the armor). Looking at the figure I have, there are also some small bolts on the back as well. I think there's probably some structure running underneath and attaching to the kidney plate stuff. They probably made a little attachment up top on the back as well to keep the pack from tipping backwards. Here's some pictures of the bolts highlighted and my rough 20 sec sketch of a harness idea, if you guys have anything you want to add feel free to discuss! And here's that sketch of one idea for the frame. The red circles are the bolts and attachment points for the armor, the black is the outline for the frame (made out of aluminum or something) and finally the small gray boxes are to represent straps to run around the waist and over the shoulders to the front. Like I said if you guys have any ideas, feel free to let them out! I'm all for collaboration to get this figured out. But in short I'm going to leave the back plate as a blank, flat canvas for you guys. If you need to drill holes or cut slots for straps, then you can. I'll look into doing some harness stuff for you guys (if you want) after I get the armor sculpts done and kits made up. I have tools to work metal so that shouldn't be too difficult. Fivezero
  4. Thanks guys, I appreciate it! Just trying to help you guys out! Anyway got the first shin done. I also did some doodling, the gold lines are where there will be a slight edge and the silver is where it'll get into two when it's ready for forming. The other shin is being printed out as well. I had a small gap yesterday and went ahead and started printing that lower "spat" armor (still have one more piece to print). I'm going to finish it as one piece and then cut it once I have it shaped. Also brushed some fiberglass resin on the thigh "molds." I still have one more to go tomorrow, and if I can I'll get the chest and back sorted out and possibly "resined." Sunday is when I hope to pour some plaster in these things. Just in case I haven't mentioned it at all..... I love this 3D printer, it is just so being able to let it print and work on other stuff in the mean time (like the thigh stuff). Everything should be done printing by Sunday unless something happens. Then I can start printing my Shocktrooper helmet while I work on this thing! Fivezero
  5. Alright guys, got the cod and butt plate glued together, so they're ready for filler sanding. Also almost there with the shin. Each print is about 4-5 hours, should be done this weekend! Also started throwing the thighs together last night. I'll finish them up tonight and tomorrow get some resin applied! And then while the resin is hardening, I'll get the chest and back sorted, maybe get some resin in those by the end of the weekend? It's looking like everything might be in place to start shaping/sculpting the armor by next week! Fivezero
  6. Butt plate printed out, just need to glue it together! Started on one of the shins too! They should actually be done by the end of the weekend. And got the thighs printed out on cardstock, just need to cut them out and fold them up! I might be able to throw them in some resin by tomorrow night, maybe Thursday. Fivezero
  7. Here's today's progress guys! Cod plate, need to add the indents, won't take long. Started on the butt plate, still got 4 more pieces to print. I hope to get those done tomorrow. Also got the thighs prepped for pepakura. I hope to at least get them printed out tomorrow (I'm talking cardstock now ), maybe start cutting them out and folding them. Wednesday or Thursday I'll brush on the resin. Hopefully by the weekend I will be pouring plaster. After the butt plate is done, it's on to the shins for the 3D printer, then that's it for 3D printed parts really. While the shins are going I'll get the chest and back ready to pour plaster. I'm aiming for the end of next week to be ready to start sanding everything to shape, add the details and get ready for vacuum forming. The master plan is to hopefully have everything tweaked and ready to go by the end of March (maybe sooner depending on how it all goes) and start pumping kits out. Fivezero
  8. Did a little messing around on the forearms, day dreaming mostly right now. After having difficulty finding any pictures of the inside of the forearms, I found what I needed looking around the stormtrooper CRL. And after a confirmation from Toddo, the details are the exact same between the two troopers (the forearms themselves are still different). That stuff will be easy to make. I'll make a forming buck out of some wood for the little box at the wrist of the armor. The little scope rail detail, I'll probably draw up, 3D print, mold then cast it or modify the little scope rail I have on hand. First day of printing on the right thigh, I may switch gears and use some pepakura to do these guys. I also made some templates too..... I made a real quick bicep out of plastic and it's close, just needs some more tweaking. I also have the belt and ab/kidney piece figured out. Nothing exciting to show, just a 3-3/8" rectangle really. The boxes on both pieces I'll cut out of wood to then vacuum form. Other than that, I'm probably going to drop printing the thighs and move to pepakura, they're just a bit too big overall. The shins are right on the edge for me, I don't think those will take too long really. Otherwise, tomorrow I'm going to start getting the cod plate printed out! Fivezero
  9. Forearm details will be printed! At least the main box by the wrist, the other stuff I'll probably scratch build. Anyways here's the raw forearm! It'll be good base to sculpt over, I've got some minor corrections to make to the shape, but after that then it'll get the detail stuff. And thigh part 1 of 18 is on the printer right now! Fivezero
  10. Future Flametroopers, today I got a start on printing the forearm! The whole thing should be done printing by tonight (like at midnight....). It's going to need some work to make it look perfect and I gotta add some details, but it'll be a good base to sculpt on top of. Tomorrow, if all goes well tonight, the thighs will start getting printed! Fivezero
  11. Eh don't worry about it now, the whole 3D model was slightly out of proportion and needed to be a bit longer, and my new mid-piece took care of that. It's definitely a smaller shoulder bell compared to say a TK shoulder, but version one was too short. It's tricky because I'm a big guy so I can't make this stuff too big or it will look weird on everyone else (I'm not actually making myself a suit, this is all for you guys). It's all fixed now, so don't worry! Now for some good old sanding and body filler. I also got a new helper.... Tomorrow I'm going to move on to the biceps and maybe the forearms! The handplates look like they're the Stormtrooper handplates without having the little indent painted black. I'll keep you guys updated! Fivezero
  12. Alright guys, here's the full shoulder bell printed out! Unfortunately it looks a bit too short to me, what do you guys think? No matter what I'm printing out another "middle" section that I lengthened just to see what looks better. And about how long it'll be with the new middle piece. Fivezero
  13. I'd definitely be willing to throw the files up for you, not a problem! Just do take note, I'm only really 3D printing the smaller bits of armor (like the shoulder), so not everything will be there. But I'll post up what files I do end up preparing and printing. Right now that includes; hand plates, forearms, cod plate, butt plate (maybe), main thighs (maybe, might be a bit too large, may scratch build them) and the shins (main pieces and little pieces). The plan is to use these to make sculpts and either mold/cast them or vacuum form them and provide some kits for you guys. As for the shoulder bell, had a couple hours this morning so went ahead and started printing it... Fivezero
  14. More parts printed! Got two more pieces to print (one is on the machine right now) and the middle of the helmet is done. Then it's on to the dome! Rear piece mid-print Fivezero
  15. Hey future Flametroopers! I'm getting back on track with the armor build for you all (sorry it has been awhile). My new toy is going to help keep forward momentum on this project (it's a 3D printer). I still have a few things to print before I get to this build, but in the mean time I'm getting everything prepared to print. First up the shoulder bell!! Here it is on the printer bed (in the program). Unfortunately, 16 hours is WAY too long for the size of this piece and way too much support material is needed (all the blue stuff). So I cut it into three manageable pieces. And voila, we have reduced each section to a three-ish hour print (three sections, 9 hours total) and no support material needed to print either. I'm finishing up printing on the Aquatic Assault Trooper helmet right now. That'll be done Friday night, so I should get started on printing the shoulder bell this Saturday (hopefully have it done too!). While that's printing I'll work on making the biceps up (no 3d printing here). The forearms will probably be 3D printed as well, maybe the handplates too... The big pieces of armor will probably still be made using pepakura, it'll be easier/quicker than waiting 60 hours to print. Some stuff will also be likely made out of flat plastic and formed by hand to the shape needed (such as some of the thigh armor pieces). I'll keep you guys posted on this project. Fivezero
  16. Progress! While the Seatrooper bucket is printing out, I got the helmet for this ready to go! I started off by "shelling" it by taking the copying/pasting the geometry and scaling it down slightly to fit inside. This way the 3D printer doesn't print out a solid chunk for a helmet. Even though I won't wear this helmet, it helps saves time and material when printing. I was originally going to combine the helmet half above with another half, but decided against since I'm going to have to cut it in half later anyway. I just have to remember to mirror the parts. Here it is on the print bed, needs to be cut into smaller chunks. And here's the final cuts, nine chunks per half (18 total). About 3 hours per chunk, 54 hours total to print. While this is printing though, I can work on the Seatrooper bucket and get it prepped for molding or other projects. Fivezero
  17. Welp got some work done on this helmet.... Decided to 3D print it and had to slice up the model into 14 pieces. I still have to do something about the face of the helmet but for now here it is. A little too big for my printer as is (the blue box is what my printer can do). Sliced into pieces that will fit. The bottom third of the helmet all printed out. 6 pieces down, 8 to go! Next up the mid section of the helmet then the dome! Then it'll get glued together, sanded/puttied and ready to be molded. Meanwhile I'll get the face straightened out. Fivezero
  18. Alright vac-forming take two! Had a bit more success this time, still have some things to dial in. Otherwise I'm pleased with how it's looking. Fivezero
  19. Hey guys! So haven't been able to get much on this guy this past week. Been working on a couple other projects that I want to get finished up. However I have analyzing any pics of the real suit and getting a game plan together for some of the parts. Most parts are definitely going to be vacuum formed but some stuff looks like it might be able to made with a little elbow grease and a flat sheet of plastic. I'll do some experiments this weekend on some stuff and see what you guys think. Oh and in case I didn't mention it, I plan on trying to get at least a couple kits made up for anyone interested. So with that said, if some stuff can be made relatively easily from flat sheet, that will help keep the cost low (I'm trying to find ways to keep this thing cheap for you guys). Basically I'll make up a template and provide that along with the vacuum formed pieces. We'll see how it goes though! Fivezero
  20. Welp finally got back to this thing. Did a little sanding on one of the arms and the big shoulder bell. Very soon I'll get the ridges made up on the sculpt (I have a little more sanding to do). Fivezero
  21. Alright finally got this off the shelf after the halftrack madness. I fixed a few things on the sculpt that should make everything go a little smoother. I'm going to do some new pulls this weekend, hopefully everything should work out and you can finally have this helmet DE. Fivezero
  22. Well this thread is a bit dusty, but while we were working on the halftrack this summer, this trooper finally got approved!! What a journey this guy has been... http://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=12879&costumeID=337 Fivezero
  23. Nice helmet!! Glad you found it, was worried you were going to poke me about doing one. Fivezero
  24. Well our fearless leader poked me about doing the armor for this guy, so here we go! Basically Toddo sent me a pepakura file that I'll be using and modifying to create some molds for plaster sculpts like my Shocktrooper armor. It'll be awhile before the final product is ready as there will be quite a lot of tweaking needed to pep file, but it'll get there! Here it all is printed out, 95 pages of cardstock. And here's some of the armor all cut out Shins, gonna need some modification to the shape around the lower separated portion. Shoulder Bell Forearm, missing some small stuff I need to cut out. Bicep Thigh armor Upper thigh pieces Some more thigh pieces Butt plate Then I took a break from cutting stuff out this weekend to start getting some stuff glued together. Unfortunately ran out of glue, but got one piece together. It's glued on the outside to keep the inside "smooth" for the mold. Next step make some mold walls, then fiberglass resin, then plaster casting, then sculpting, then vac-forming. So that's where this guy is at right now! Going to try and get at least a couple pieces ready to go each week. Still got a couple projects I want to finish up real quick (JKII Shadow helmet...), then I'll get really going on this for you future Flametroopers out there. Fivezero
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