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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by toddo

  1. I have been searching for found items that could work that are light enough. This could very well be the ticket. Great find.
  2. Mike, the only things I think your GML might hold you up on are how large some of the pieces, especially the abdomen, appear on your frame. That might work though with an emaciated deathtrooper. The other thing could be the slashes on the boots. I don't see how they make sense, so that your GML might nick you there. Overall the weathering looks terrific IMHO.
  3. Wait a minute, where did you find those?
  4. Be sure to take some photos as you go please. I can't wait to see them.
  5. Thanks for designing and sharing that file Rob. It looks good, and I can't wait to see it completed. Are you working on assembling it?
  6. That is a bit off for a DLT-19, but it would look cool at non-canon events. I would leave it out for approval pics though.
  7. The DLT-19 is acceptable with the shadow scout, but I'm not sure exactly what the "sniper" version looks like. Do you have a photo?
  8. My favorite droid was always R5-D4. It was an astromech, but it just was a little off. It seemed maybe older-looking to me as a kid. I saw a photo a while back of R5-J2, one of the black Imperial droids from ROTJ, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I built t with my son who was 9 at the time, and I let him pick the colors, and I love this particular detachment, so I decided to name him after it. Since then we have also built an R4 dome to change out for this guy so that he often becomes R4-V9. We then built a second droid, R2-A6.
  9. That does look a bit better. The tubes seem off to me somehow still, but again I wouldn't hold-up approval for that. As for your photos, that is up to your local GML. The way I approach my own submissions is that I strive to have my approval pics look as good as I can make them look, so that's your call.
  10. As a matter of fact, my first droid build was done in honor of this detachment: R5-TX.
  11. Overall I think you look good. Picky stuff includes the forearms which look like they could be sized-down just a tad, but I wouldn't hold-up approval as a GML. The helmet looks a bit off from the front, but fine from the sides. Like I said though, overall you are good.
  12. I have Thorsson and Animefan lids. I think the Thorsson sculpt is not quite accurate, but the Animefan I'm quite happy with. Thorsson on the left and Animefan on the right.
  13. Wow Kevin. That looks even better than I had anticipated. Incredible work. Of course you can put me down for one of those.
  14. That is looking great, and I agree that the small tube is just a tad large. Well-done!
  15. Looks like a nova to me The pack looks much better and sits correctly on your frame now. The pouch is positioned correctly as well, so I think you are ready to talk to your GML. Nice work.
  16. Welcome Nicolle. I've sent you a message with some info.
  17. Overall you're looking fine. Aside from the things mentioned there are two things that could use some work: first, the gold stripes on the O2 canister shouldn't be there; second, upon seeing the helmet with the brow trim installed, I think your center gold line is too tall. The squares look fine, but the line between them is too thick.
  18. Weight is one of the obstacles to the Weir bondoliers IMHO, so 3D printed not only looks fantastic but it allows minimal weight against the armor. They should be quite simple to keep in place.
  19. Unfortunately, you can't use the same jumpsuit for both. The major issues is that the scouts don't have visible pockets whereas the TIE pilot has some very specific pockets that must be visible.
  20. I second what Steve said. I used to do all of the approvals for the Galactic Academy, and few submissions are even close to the quality you are providing. Keep going!
  21. I use Photobucket and then simply paste the IMG codes in each post. It works a treat.
  22. Glad to hear that you are still moving along Kevin. I can't wait to see your progress.
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