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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by toddo

  1. That's a commercially-made Rubies costume. As it stands, the sculpt is abysmal in accuracy. With a lot of work and expense it can be made into a decent novatrooper sentinel, but the helmet will never work. Compare it to pictures of a real stromtrooper.
  2. Scootch is the man, and the armor he produces is far more accurate than the junk sold by star wars costumes. Yes, you will have to build it, and you have to paint it, but it is worth it. Who knows, maybe you can commission a build from him?
  3. toddo

    Triple Zero

    Welcome to Spec Ops! I believe I saw this in person at Celebration Anaheim racing Gordon's 3PO. It's especially well-done. I've been slowly working on K-3PO, and I'm envious of the work you've done to this. Is that the TK-409 small suit or the larger one?
  4. This is so fun to watch! Keep going.
  5. Feel better. I look forward to seeing you return to your build. It's been a while since we've seen such enthusiasm toward a build.
  6. Black strapping and Velcro are fine and much easier to locate than red.
  7. Welcome. Yes, magma follows ANH construction. Be sure to reference the CRL: http://www.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TX_magmatrooper
  8. It's coming together nicely Mardon. The shape is looking right, and that's the most important factor IMHO.
  9. Wait, those are upside-down. Just kidding Such a fun build to watch. Usually it's when I dream about a costume that I feel compelled to build it. Clearly that has happened way too often, so that gives you an idea of how much I dream about this stuff.
  10. This looks like it might be an SC-style build: http://kimncris.com/tutorials/scouthelmet.php
  11. I haven't built an SC helmet, so I would hate to steer you incorrectly. I have an MLC helmet that I bought already built and I built one of Chef's beauties. Hopefully one of the folks with SC experience will pipe-up with some help.
  12. Chef's site helped me tremendously, so you are in good hands there. Personally I find a TK helmet easier to build because of the seam on the scout helmet. Does SC not have a visible seam to fill?
  13. Renata, you are a force to be reckoned with! Everything is not only coming along quickly, but it looks great. I love how much fun you are having with the process. Also, you could do worse than following Terry's examples. Pandatrooper's tutorials are always well-executed and inventive. Get a bit of rest, then keep going!
  14. You are a woman after my own heart. Generally when I start working on a project, I can't sleep until it's done. Impressive work. As for washing the armor, I agree that it is a good idea. My wife and I use Velcro to secure our bunds, and it works well. Good thing Maltese dogs don't really shed, huh?
  15. It's fun to see the process and how everything comes together. Keep sharing Mardon.
  16. HFX productions on the ol' FB sells a nice hyperfirm one. I think Doopy Doos sells a kit in the UK.
  17. 1. the pin stripe can be cut. 2. a screw is a good idea. 3. some people employ a magnet system between the blaster and the holster. Honestly though, I never walk around with the blaster in my holster it never feels secure enough. I doubt I would feel if it were to shimmy out.
  18. Nice work. I've never really done pep work, but I admire the crispness of yours.
  19. Regarding the snaps, what are you snapping on your scout? I dislike snaps as well, but prefer to use a pair of snap pliers found at Jo Ann fabrics when I have to set them. You shouldn't need them on the scout though unless I'm forgetting something. As for boots, the last two choices seem fine to me. The details are easy enough to just cut into the sole, and I recommend doing so as it makes a nice difference to your costume.
  20. Nice work Rob both on your initial file design and on your analysis. So exciting.
  21. Good luck with the approval. I know it's been a long time coming.
  22. Looks like we may need someone across the pond to distribute these.
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