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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by toddo

  1. I saw these on FB this morning and have been wanting to tell you how much promise they show, especially from a weight and accuracy standpoint. Great start Chef.
  2. Hey, it's the pigman from Des Moines Welcome Arthur.
  3. Great job Mike. This all is looking spot-on. One of the crappiest pieces to work on is inverting the abdomen buttons, but you have done a nice job with that as well.
  4. Looking good. Welcome to Spec Ops!
  5. I've a bit of experience with ROTJ builds, so shout if you need help.
  6. Good to see you back on the boards here Mike. Sounds like you are approaching things in the right fashion. The paint on the helmet looks good. This character reminds me heavily of my Incinerator trooper with ROTJ-style and similar paint job.
  7. First, you'll have to be 18 to join the Legion. Second, while your work has been quite amazing, many of the details are too angular to be accurate. For instance, the shoulder straps are too defined to mimic a vac-formed suit. The same thing goes for your belt and thigh ammo belt. The corners are too angular and need to look a bit more rounded. Again, keep in mind that the stormtrooper suits all have that softer, vac-formed look to them. Your details are sharp and therefore stand-out. Third, there are some sculpt inaccuracies such as the knee sniper plate. It is too small. Your field pack and E11 on the other hand look fantastic for scratch-built. I attribute that to the fact that those parts aren't supposed to look vac-formed.
  8. It's a cool mix of custom details. I look forward to seeing it completed and hanging on your back.
  9. As I said previously, this is remarkable work. You mentioned in your first post that you are interested in joining the 501st when you are of age. If you still are interested in that, I think some of your details will need refinement to become more accurate; however, as a scratch-built costume at cons and the like, this is quite nice.
  10. We are working on it. There have been some communication issues unfortunately, but we are moving past those.
  11. I love the McDonald's cup. Seriously, I applaud your scratch-building and bet you are having fun with it.
  12. I think you have done a really nice job turning this Rubies dud into a great-looking suit. The only criticism I have to offer is that the paint on the helmet isn't as good as it could be. Specifically the front silver flashing is uneven. The rear flashing seems off-centered. Were I your GML, I wouldn't hold you up for that and would just recommend fixing the paint going forward, but ultimately that is up to your local GML. Well-done on that armor. Good luck!
  13. Can't go wrong with Chef's blog: http://kgbairsoft.com/wordpress/?tag=biker-scout
  14. Phillip, that looks perfect. I know it's a pain, but you won't regret re-sizing.
  15. Send it here. I'll sand it and assemble it
  16. Those boots look nice. I personally have narrow feet, so I'm afraid I'm not of much help regarding width.
  17. Keep those photos coming please. How exciting. This is one of the most challenging parts of the costume IMHO. It is crucial to make it light enough so to not pull everything backward. I can't wait to see what you do with this.
  18. I wouldn't say that this costume has been renamed but rather has yet another name. We tend to have multiple aliases here at Spec Ops. We are just too hard to pin down.
  19. Wow, that is a long time I can't wait to see it printed.
  20. Here is a cool shot of the flametrooper that shows LEDs on his tank pack:
  21. I agree with the fellows 100%. Snatch it up, replace the helmet and the other minor parts, re-trim the bottom of the chest and you will be good to rock.
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