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Imperial Flametrooper (Jedi Fallen Order)

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i had to take apart a set of welding gloves and resew them to make the fingers smaller,  i dont know why but on me gloves tend to run much larger in the finger than in the hand. I often wear , or reduce to the size of, a Medium glove so the fingers are tighter.  

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  • 1 month later...

Hello guys ! 

Long time no post but my job and house are taking me a lot of struggle these days ^^"
Anyway, I managed to work on my forearms lately.


I'm trying to make my gloves too but the first 2 attempts were definitely not working xD

So I decided to cut appart some of the wrong colored gloves I ordered to make the pattern out of it. I hope to go back on it this week end.

I also ordered more material for the suit and kama. 

Slowly but surely ?
I hope I can post another update at the end of the week end ^^

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there ! 

Well, i'm way more slow than expected :(

but, i'm trying to make some kind of harness like boba's one to keep the backpack well in place. ^^ 

Will post pics as soon as i got something decent to show you. 

If all goes as i have planned, the gloves should be done by the end of the day. 

That's all for now folks ?

Cheers !


edit : gloves finally done ? they are note perfect as if i were a pro but they are pretty decent for a first time and comfy.


Edited by stevechewbacca
Gloves pic
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Loving the progress on this one! I am always telling my Mountain Garrison snowies the only way they will ever get me in a snow trooper is if one goes to spec ops. Lol. Looks like this would be the one I would wear. Loos awesome bro! Keep up the great work and look forward to seeing more progress and then a new CRl! 

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Those came out great and I know that was some crazy  sewing. They will wear in and get really comfortable soon. 

@Scubacat years ago I saw a all black snowtrooper, aka ashtrooper.  That got my interest (as Im half done with my own snowtrooper)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there ?

Here is a very small update on the backpack. I finally managed to build a harness support to make it stay in place as my first tests were not convincing with it falling down my back.

With this piece it should be ok :)


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  • 1 month later...

Guys I'm back ! :D

I made a little step forward on the gueters, but no pics for now. 
But ! today i made the kama and stitched it to the suit.
Of course, with the weathering, all will be more same color-ish.
I'm just afraid about the fact that I'll probably need to reprint the helmet. Seeing the old pics make me think it is a bit tiny compared to the rest of the armor :(




The kama here may look a bit tiny but I checked with a "flame on" pose as the character does in game and it arrives between ankle and mid calf as expected. 

I hope the visual look will be perfect with the boots and gueters on ^^

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I think once you start getting even more pieces you are going to constantly see stuff that needs tweaking. You are on the right track!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello guys ! 
We did a little armor party a few weeks ago and I forgot to post here.
The idea was only to continue the sanding process (and get the motivation to do so).

Here is what I have so far :

The main issue is that the big parts are not top quality printed. I just hope that I'll manage to get it smooth because, honestly, this thing is driving me nuts and I sometimes am close to giving it up. And I didn't start to smooth the flamethrower yet :(
Anyway, at the end of the week I'll go on vacation for a few weeks so I won't be able to go further. May be I'll try to get the motivation to get something done like the primer or something before leaving for the summer break ^^'

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9 hours ago, stevechewbacca said:

Hello guys ! 
We did a little armor party a few weeks ago and I forgot to post here.
The idea was only to continue the sanding process (and get the motivation to do so).

Here is what I have so far :

The main issue is that the big parts are not top quality printed. I just hope that I'll manage to get it smooth because, honestly, this thing is driving me nuts and I sometimes am close to giving it up. And I didn't start to smooth the flamethrower yet :(
Anyway, at the end of the week I'll go on vacation for a few weeks so I won't be able to go further. May be I'll try to get the motivation to get something done like the primer or something before leaving for the summer break ^^'

Looking great mate. I completely understand the challenge of working with 3D prints and trying to get a nice surface. I hit this point a couple of times working on my Death Trooper and it honestly feels like you're going nowhere sometimes, but trust me it will pass.

You're making tremendous progress so don't be too hard on yourself. It's not a race and it's definitely not the end of the world if it's not absolutely perfect. When you spend so much time this close up to things, you notice all the imperfections and weaknesses but often fail to step back a few metres and take a look with a fresh set of eyes. 

Having a break from your build might be a great thing because you can come back rested, rejuvenated and ready to tackle it again!

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