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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by neoakaj

  1. Im not saying I have a full set, but there is the possibility that I have almost a full set still hanging around somewhere. Ill go digging over the weekend
  2. Started a couple new projects last night The TK helmet is a gift to a local comic shop that allows us to host meet n greets regularly. And the other is, well, something I have wanted to make for a long long time. I had to sell my Veers armor and my clone kit to get it, but I am happy with that decision.
  3. My swampy is mostly SC parts. I agree that its a good choice. If you go all the way with SC parts, I would recommend that before you paint that you round off the corners on the shoulder bells. All the sets of scout armor I have bought from him have a very square corner on the shoulders.
  4. So for a while I thought about selling this guy off. I went into a dark place for a bit, but now I am working my way out of it. I hope that this project will be one of the items that I can get finished soon! I mean I started this almost 2 years ago..... time to get it done!!!
  5. Im not sure if I have seen this answered before, but does anyone know if Anovos will be able to sell or provide replacement parts for their kits?
  6. Reference or not, I am going to do this at some point. I think the looks of this costume are amazing, way better than boob troopers.
  7. So, I have come to the point of giving up on this project, well for now. I have not heard back from ATA in about 10 months.... I dont know if he is just busy, but it seems at this time this project is on hold permanently. However this will give me some time and focus to finish that dang swamp scout!
  8. What I should have done on my TD, and will be doing in the future for any of my stormtrooper type costumes, is to put the split rivets in, just not holding the strap. Then I would use the snap with snap square method to hold the straps. Gives you the look you are after but also gives the functionality and practicality of being able to take the ab and kidney sections apart. I do not have any pictures to show you now, but I am starting on a new TK, although its RMQ, the process will be the same and I will get pictures and share them when I get to that point.
  9. ^^^ Jim, its going to work now! Start on the backpack. Just waiting for a few loose end parts before its finished And I found a friend!
  10. Why is this not a thing and how can I make it a real thing????
  11. Some of the reason I went with a slightly darker green was due to the soft materials that I was able to find for my boots and pouches. Another reason is that when pictures are taken with they way that I do my pictures, It will look a little brighter, similar to how the AT-AT drivers were grey but with the exposure they look white. By any means, please reach out if you have any questions. I am planning to dig mine out this weekend and maybe finish up the last couple items needed. Look forward to another swampy!!
  12. So I took my helmet out to my storage and put it with the rest of the armor. Here is where I am at with it. All I need to do is cut out some end caps and paint them, a little sewing on the bund, and assemble the back hump. It will be done soon!!!!!!
  13. I got to work on Veers this past weekend. I think I am 99% there with the armor. All I need to do is attach all the straps, paint one shoulder strap, install the mic for the helmet, and make the leather belt.
  14. I do see!!! So I guess I have a rebel type costume going... So Val said I can show off hers as well Her Jes is the first approved statue variant of the costume in the Legion. And then there is this one just for fun!!
  15. Well I started a rebel costume!!!! Well two haha. I also got the last bit of parts needed to finish the Veers armor. Still no officer uniform for it yet.... Im still in need of the three dot plate for the sandtrooper and it will be "done." I still need to get a pack for it... Snowtrooper is a tiny bit of weathering away from it being done, but I am packing it away until it gets colder again. Ill get that soon! There is some really nice ones in it and they have a good home!
  16. I have one from one of the over seas shops.... But I may be looking into the Anovos one soon
  17. Hello all!!! Since SpecOps has really become my new and welcoming home again, I thought I would show off a tiny bit And my incomplete ones at this time ^^^ for the snowtrooper, I have a new duster and am 99% ready now. This picture is a few months old. Only thing I am needing to do is a tiny bit of weathering on the duster before I am good to go.
  18. Yep AM is the big one. ATA is a tiny bit bigger than my TK
  19. Last conversation I had with him is that he wants the red gone
  20. Funny you mention that! Anthony Daniels and I are the same size all around, so I can see that Looking at this picture makes me want to go eat something to gain some weight haha
  21. Here is my MC. This was before I started to re-build the legs, but as seen here, the knee area is way to big and they were a bit tall. All fixed now, but no pictures at the moment. The legs where used in my sandtrooper build and I wont have that out until May 10th or so
  22. They are really close, but the thighs and helmet are slightly larger, and of course thats where I have the most problem
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