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Detachment Costume Advisor[CMD-DCA]
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Everything posted by Blackwatch

  1. dropping in, I just ogt back from one of my insane out of state back to state to out of state to back to state road trips. I would rather not break them out to a totally separate CRL, since we are good at effectively using the tab system. Its an option, just likt the headphones were for the Garrison troopers on aldhani. Baton Proposal Final Baton Metal or metal-like tube. Approximately 12 inches (30.5cm) in length when collapsed. Rounded caps on each end, metallic grey or silver in color. Has grips on both ends that leave only a small gap in the middle of the baton. Grips may be made of neoprene or foam, and may be ribbed or left plain. One end of the baton may "extend" approximately 10 inches (25.4 cm). Baton is only present when the holster is present. Baton Holster Hoster is mounted to the left side of the wearer's belt. Curved holder which fits around the middle part of the baton. Baton is carried n the holster at a slight angle. Lower part is curved. Baton is retained with a leather or flexible rubber strap.
  2. Im ready to wrap the Baton. On the radio backpack, I havent even begun to really look at it, ive had my hands more than full with a dozen things for the past several months. Ill look over the blaster, it would not Suprise me if its the same, just shipped to a different location.
  3. I have a WTF helmet that I won in the Stop Soldier Suicide prevention fundraiser giveaway. Now that I have it iin hand, I see two things- The shape IS different from my other helmets (Cuckblack and Spike). The snout slopes back at the top, and the visor extends forward extending over the front edge of the snout at the top. This is clearly differnt from what our source art shows. The source art indicaes a short visor, nearly vertical, with the visor stopping short of the snout. As Ryan pointed out, our sources are game art, comics and other sources which do not match. But, as an owner of a WTF helmet, Id say it does not quite align with the images ot of the art. Other helmets do the same and this is in no way a slam against Walt or his work. But, the helemt itself would need work to match our references, primarily making sure that the snout is vertical and not sloped. If you take a look at our CRL for the shadow scout, the helmet David is wearing has the same or similar slope of the visor, which does not match the art. I dont know that ANY helmet matches that angle without surgury.
  4. Fraser it has to be odd to see yourself on screen like that. When I read this my first thought was it was the picc rail, without the light. Lets get through the Security Trooper CRL process and we can swing back over to look at things we need to do to the Aldhani troopers.
  5. From the art in the comic, there are no straps. We dont see anything like straps until the modern TV era and newer movies. Here is the original source art that all work for the CRL was based from
  6. Morning everyone, glad to be back. My post of a month ago was NOTHING compared to the past week. Id love to get this wrapped up since we are down to small parts. Can we agree on this text so we can move forward towards completion? Baton Proposal text . V1.2 Baton Metal or metal-like tube. Approximately 12 inches (30.5cm) in length when collapsed. Rounded caps on each end, metallic grey or silver in color. Has ribbed rubber-like or neoprene grips on both ends that leave only a small gap in the middle of the baton. Grips may be made of neoprene or foam, and may be ribbed or left plain. One end of the baton may "extend" approximately 10 inches (25.4 cm). Baton is only present when the holster is present. Baton Holster Hoster is mounted to the left side of the wearer's belt. Curved holder which fits around the middle part of the baton. Baton is carried horizontally in the holster at a slight angle. Lower part is curved. Baton is retained with a leather or flexible rubber strap.
  7. love this thread, thanks Jason! Ive been using the Siriyatech Blue, it prints great with test prints but the supports just rip off the model. I still dont have my settings right, but its TOUGH.
  8. Sorry to reply so late to this have been buried for weeks. Yes your GML will be the approval person, THAT SAID, we encourage you go to for Specialist approval, Boots Calf high black leather or leather like material. Free of laces, decorative stitching, buckles on the instep or any other embellishments. If seams are present on the shaft, they are at the rear only. Boots may have a single adjustment strap at the top outside of the boot, with the buckle no wider than 1" (25.4mm). This need not be functional. Jackboot buckles should not be shiny/can be painted dingy grey or gun-metal color. Zippers on the inside of the boot are acceptable, so long as they are concealed. If the zipper is not covered by vinyl/ leather, it is painted black. German “jack boot” style boots are most canon. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): Boots are made of leather. We MAY be changing the text on the boot to remove or modify the line "jack boot is most canon" since we have realized that the Bundes boot is more correct. But until that change is made, which may not be for a while (if it happens) what is posted is what we go by.
  9. hey everyone, apologies on my part for my absence. This has probably been the busiest six weeks of my entire life. Im just now starting to see the surface. Ive been working up to 22 hours a day. its been rediculous, and theres no letup in sight but I have a moment to get in and post. So on the baton I see what you mean, looks like longitudinal grooves along the hand grip. I wonder what that actually IS, unless it was like a piece of neoprene that was grooved with a knife? Jason I like the simplicity of the build and the plugs.
  10. I looked at it again, and in one pic I can kind of see a shadow that looks like its ribbed. May have been just regular floor runner glued around the pipe. If these things actually do extend with a spring and simple release then the weight of that and the inner rod would cause that end to sag. So, Baton Proposal text . V1.1 Baton Metal or metal-like tube. Approximately 12 inches (30.5cm) in length when collapsed. Rounded caps on each end, metallic grey or silver in color. Has ribbed rubber-like or neoprene grips on both ends that leave only a small gap in the middle of the baton. One end of the baton may "extend" approximately 10 inches (25.4 cm). Baton is only present when the holster is present. Baton Holster Hoster is mounted to the left side of the wearer's belt. Curved holder which fits around the middle part of the baton. Baton is carried horizontally in the holster at a slight angle. Lower part is curved. Baton is retained with a leather or flexible rubber strap.
  11. Any further discussion on this? its small, but fairly important. So, Baton Proposal text . V1.0 Baton Metal or metal-like tube. Approximately 12 inches (30.5cm) in length when collapsed. Rounded caps on each end, metallic grey or silver in color. Has rubber-like or neoprene grips on both ends that leave only a small gap in the middle of the baton. One end of the baton may "extend" approximately 10 inches (25.4 cm). Baton is only present when the holster is present. Baton Holster Hoster is mounted to the left side of the wearer's belt. Curved holder which fits around the middle part of the baton. Baton is carried horizontally in the holster. Lower part is curved. Baton is retained with a leather or flexible rubber strap.
  12. Agreed and agreed. It may just be a simple half C shape with a flap to keep it closed. Ive been on the road for about a week so Im just now getting back to this.
  13. it cracks, thats just a feature of paint being applied to a leather or fabric item. You can weather it wth mud if you like.
  14. From looking at the sheer simplicity of this thing that is certainly possible, to just add a keychain split ring while you are building the baton, right in the middle and just hang it off the belt hook. That said, take a look at the picture. I have just rewatched that scene a dozen times. When the first troopers charge the guy with Marva's stone, their batons swing in their restraint. If you look at the left side of the belt at the reference picture at the top you will see what looks like one of those clips you hold a broom up with when you want to mount it to the wall. Run that scene back and forth-that clip is mounted to the troopers belt and it moves with him. Perhaps its not commercial, perhaps its 3d modeled and printed in TPU for flexibilty. But its certainly a clip of some sort. Something along the lines of this . The af facing belt boxes really are strange. Curious if he has any in front.
  15. The Patrol Trooper uses this baton. They look the same but the Security trooper does not seem to have the stem letting the mushroom head (likely a utility or appliance foot) protrude much past the foam handle. You do get a look at it on the hip of the trooper grabbing the guy holding the Stone in the holstered configuration, and during the riot scene the aluminum internal part is fully extended. You do see one laying on the ground with the silver internal tube extended. Its likely the best view of the whole thing. PVC pipe wrapped in neoprene with a sliding end-capped internal tube? Yeah. Id say so.
  16. i agree the weathering on this is NOT brown. Here in South Louisiana we have clay and it comes in two colors, grey or yellow. When the two are mixed after a weekend of mudding you get a brownishg slurry but thats not what this is, This was likely a weathering spray. I have both in my backyard as it was fill when the house was built. So we definitely want to see grey weathering on the boots and splats on the armor such as the shins. We'll change the text to iclude the prism shape, I noted that when I printed mine out that its not a pyaramid. I have wondered what the origin of the buckles were, interesting they were off a MB seat. My buckles are from different sources and are defintely not the same file used to create it, or perhaps one set was cast off a original since it was clearly cast whlie others were printed. Ill check my own stuff. when we get time for photos for the CRL we will need detailed photos of the differences in the buckles for our Gallery view Ok so lets take a look here: Shins proposal V1.1 Shins The shin plates (greaves) attach directly to the front of the boots wearers' shin using two flexible rubber straps that thread through the back of the greaves. Each strap affixes on the outer edge of the boot via a cam style buckle. The rubber straps are ribbed and equal in size. Straps extend from each buckle and the inner side of the greaves. A "T" shaped knee plate is affixed to both greaves that may appear to angle slightly away from the knee. The "T" shaped plate features a slightly curved rectangle feature that follows the upper edge. The rectangle is raised. Two triangular prism-shaped ‘knuckles’ are evident beneath the "T" shaped knee plate. The top and bottom facets are longer than the side facets. The greaves feature vertical indents and recessed rectangles that should match the reference image. The bottom of the greaves angle outward to follow the curvature of the boot/foot. Shins are painted matte olive gray with heavy weathering. to match the armor and are weathered to match the boots. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): The shin buckle shape is different than the shoulder buckles. The rear lever bar is shorter with a more distinct curve. Green color is similar to Pantone 350U overlaid with Pantone 433U. Rubber straps are approx. 1.5” (40mm) wide. For clarity Ill repost the Boot final text here, but Im going to add a line about weathering , since all of these boots are at a minimum moderately weathered. Boot proposal V.2.0 (FINAL) Boot rises to no higher than mid-shin, and is leather or a leather-like material. There are no laces, decorative stitches, embellishments or buckles on the instep. If seams are present they are at the rear only. A single adjustment strap at the top outside of the boot may be present. The buckle is no wider than 1" (25.4mm). This need not be functional. Strap adjustment buckle is dingy gunmetal color, or dingy grey. It shall not be shiny / chrome. Zippers on the inside of the boot are acceptable as long as they are concealed. If the zipper is not covered by a vinyl or leather strip, it is painted black. The boot is weathered, moderately to heavily. Weathering is grey in color matching references. For basic approval the soles may feature a more agressive tread. German Bundesmarine Navy Sea Boots (or authentic replica) are most canon. OPTIONAL Level two certification (If applicable): Boots are made of leather German Knobelbecher Bundesmarine or Knobelbecher Bundeswehr style, accurate in hieght and design. Sole must be a lower profile, with no hobnails, modest tread and modest heel. The rear flap does not extend lower than one-third the height of the boot shaft. Rectangular reinforcement stiching does not have an "X" stitched into the rectangle. I believe we are close to finishing the basics of the Security trooper. We still have some items left, primarily the baton and its holder, and Im quite certain thats a commercial item.
  17. looks like the snow parkas we had when I was in the army.
  18. We have a few bits left plus the soft parts got some additions not seen on the Aldhani troopers that we can tackle. Boots portion of the final CRL text has been updated on the first page. Looking at the shins, we can finish the armor and move to the accessies- Baton and E10.5 and then the radio backpack for the soft costume. If we take a look at the Mudtrooper as well as the ICAT DRIVER CRLs they are virtually the same except for the color. There is a bit of room for improvement here. Original Mudtrooper text, per the CRL: Shins - Version One, Version Two, Version Three The shin plates (greaves) attach directly to the front of the boots using two rubber straps that thread through the back of the greaves. Each strap affixes on the outer edge of the boot via a cam style buckle. The rubber straps are ribbed and equal in size. Straps extend from each buckle and the inner side of the greaves. A "T" shaped knee plate is affixed to both greaves that may appear to angle slightly away from the knee. The "T" shaped plate features a slightly curved rectangle feature that follows the upper edge. The rectangle is raised. Two triangular ‘knuckles’ are evident beneath the "T" shaped knee plate. The greaves feature vertical indents and recessed rectangles that should match the reference image. The bottom of the greaves angle outward to follow the curvature of the boot/foot. Shins are painted matte olive gray with heavy weathering. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): Green color is similar to Pantone 350U overlaid with Pantone 433U. Rubber straps are approx. 1.5” (40mm) wide. Text Proposal Shins V1.0 Shins - Version One, Version Two, Version Three The shin plates (greaves) attach directly to the front of the boots using two rubber straps that thread through the back of the greaves. Each strap affixes on the outer edge of the boot via a cam style buckle. The rubber straps are ribbed and equal in size. Straps extend from each buckle and the inner side of the greaves. A "T" shaped knee plate is affixed to both greaves that may appear to angle slightly away from the knee. The "T" shaped plate features a slightly curved rectangle feature that follows the upper edge. The rectangle is raised. Two triangular ‘knuckles’ are evident beneath the "T" shaped knee plate. The greaves feature vertical indents and recessed rectangles that should match the reference image. The bottom of the greaves angle outward to follow the curvature of the boot/foot. Shins are painted matte olive gray with heavy weathering. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): Green color is similar to Pantone 350U overlaid with Pantone 433U. Rubber straps are approx. 1.5” (40mm) wide.
  19. wow has it been ten days already. i got real busy there for a minute. Ok back to this. There hasnt been further comment or discusson so I believe we are in agreement that this style of boot will be a better fit for us than the traditional Jack. Ill continue to look on Ebay for these in larger sizes. Boot proposal V.2.0 (FINAL) Boot rises to no higher than mid-shin, and is leather or a leather-like material. There are no laces, decorative stitches, embellishments or buckles on the instep. If seams are present they are at the rear only. A single adjustment strap at the top outside of the boot may be present. The buckle is no wider than 1" (25.4mm). This need not be functional. Strap adjustment buckle is dingy gunmetal color, or dingy grey. It shall not be shiny / chrome. Zippers on the inside of the boot are acceptable as long as they are concealed. If the zipper is not covered by a vinyl or leather strip, it is painted black. For basic approval the soles may feature a more agressive tread. German Bundesmarine Navy Sea Boots (or authentic replica) are most canon. OPTIONAL Level two certification (If applicable): Boots are made of leather German Knobelbecher Bundesmarine or Knobelbecher Bundeswehr style, accurate in hieght and design. Sole must be a lower profile, with no hobnails, modest tread and modest heel. The rear flap does not extend lower than one-third the height of the boot shaft. Rectangular reinforcement stiching does not have an "X" stitched into the rectangle.
  20. Javi your best bet is to get all of your web gear put together and paint it all the same shade. Thas what I did with mine. I used Montana Gold Army green for everything, it all matches. Looking for L2 spec Im not so concerned about whehter or not its a USMC coverall- as long as its a single shade of green. For my Impeiral Medic Trooper I went to a suit maker and he made me a suit entiredly from scratch out of olive green fabric. Thats an option too.
  21. no one has answered this so Im assuming that no one has. When you pull the files into your slicer do they look accurate compared to the CRL images?
  22. Ive got some things to deal with here at work this morning,then Ill circle back to this.
  23. mine seem long, too. I have wondered if the bottoms were cut off, but you would also need to alter the bottom of the bevel.
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